The Very Root Of All of Our Dis-Eases, Our Disharmonies, Is Living Out Of Alignment With Our truths

It’s Time To Heal & Thrive Through Your Unique True Self Healing Lifestyle !


The Very Root Of All of Our Dis-Eases, Our Disharmonies, Is Living Out Of Alignment With Our truths

It’s Time To Heal & Thrive Through Your Unique True Self Healing Lifestyle !

The mainstream world is a dark dis-eased place right now.

This is not by accident & it's nothing to fear. We need to see the depths of the darkness in both the collective and in us as individuals, so that we have no other choice but to say yes to doing the work to awaken and heal ourselves.

It is time to choose to step outside the mainstream paradigms & reclaim our true selves.

Each of us chose to come here at this time in history because we have unique gifts the world needs. It’s our responsibility to choose to do the work to uncover our true selves allowing us to heal ourselves, guide those around us and co-create our unique gifts and give them to the world.

Us being our radical true self in the moments of our lives is our unique gift the world needs!

You are exactly where you’re meant to be. If you’re reading this and you’ve found my work, you’re meant to take responsibility for your life & health, let go of your victim consciousness & heal yourself now.

“I will speak of this program as my life before the HPH immersion and my life after the HPH immersion. It has been utterly transformative and I am beyond grateful.”

~ Cath

“I will speak of this program as my life before PFM and my life after PFM. It has been utterly transformative and I am beyond grateful.”

~ Cath

You are not a victim of your genes, circumstances or anything else.

Victim consciousness leads to the epidemic of dis-ease we see today- when you believe you are a victim, you become the victim.

As Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”.

Your current level of consciousness, your victim consciousness, created the dis-eases you are experiencing. Shifting your level of consciousness will allow you to heal & thrive.

Whatever your dis-ease is or pain and symptoms are, they are a gift, a messenger. They are saying something is off in your life that needs to be addressed and harmonized. This is your opportunity to heed the guidance by choosing to step into a healing journey.

When you decide and surrender to your healing journey you embark on a journey that awakens you to YOU, the beauty and reverence for life itself, magic, miracles and more.

A healing journey is an opportunity to become whole again- to harmonize all parts of you. To revel in the beauty of this human experience. To realize we are already in heaven- heaven is this human experience- if we choose to believe that.

It is also a privilege to choose to go full-in on a healing journey. Remember that- it is a privilege. We get to heal. We get to do this deep inner work. We get to experience a healing journey.

Choice is one of our greatest superpowers. We have the power to choose differently at any moment.

What do you choose?

Your current ways of being, your beliefs, moment to moment thoughts, choices and actions have caused your current state. But remember, it’s not your fault- it’s your subconscious programming from childhood conditioning, the effects of trauma and our patriarchal systems and norms that are failing us and earth and more.

It may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility to do the work to heal yourself.

Doing the work is not easy. It takes stepping into the unknown, uncomfortable and creating a whole new way of being & lifestyle that revolves around you uncovering your truths- so that you can gradually reveal your true self and BE her in this life!

Only you can heal you.

Only you can decode your inner guidance and choose to take action on it or not!

Your current goal may be to just get rid of your symptoms and pain so that you can get back to life- get back to being and doing who you have always been. But in that scenario you miss the point of the dis-ease, pain, adversity, symptoms.

All ancient healing cultures knew that physical symptoms were a reflection of disharmony in the soul and mind. That physical symptoms needed to be addressed first on a soul level, second on a mind level and finally if needed on an actual physical level. They also always lefts space for miracles!

Our symptoms and pain are great messengers trying to guide us back on our soul’s path in this life

The symptoms and pain will only get worse if you don’t listen and choose to do the inner work to heal at the deepest root level.

Just in the “choosing”, your heart and soul say, “ok, she’s finally listening”. Your nervous system says, “ahhhhh, she has finally put down her armor and is willing to face it all”. The result is you start to heal immediately.

All the things that promise quick fixes, such as medications, surgeries and the like help calm symptoms temporarily but they always return.

Instead, you must choose to become the person you need to be to heal- your true self. She is already within you, you just need to begin to do the work to peel away your masks and reveal her. She is yearning to come out and play. She has been whispering to you for years however, you have not been listening to her. You were always ignoring her signs and distracting yourself with stuff outside of you. This stops now! It’s time to shift your level of consciousness and have a huge paradigm shift.

It’s time to stop looking outside of you for someone or something to “fix” you, and turn inward instead! To begin to get to know you, all parts of you again. To radically embody you. To remember how to feel all the sensations within you. To revel in the whole continuum of emotions that are always guiding you. To notice your intuition, instincts and impulses that area always guiding you in your correct direction. To decode your inner language. To befriend your inner guidance system.

I promise you that everything will change for you when you decide and choose to begin to tune into you, radically trust the guidance coming from within & take ongoing inspired actions following the guidance like your life depends on it.

Our symptoms and pain are great messengers trying to guide us back on our soul’s path in this life

The symptoms and pain will only get worse if you don’t listen and choose to do the inner work to heal at the deepest root level.

Just in the “choosing”, your heart and soul say, “ok, she’s finally listening”. Your nervous system says, “ahhhhh, she has finally put down her armor and is willing to face it all”. The result is you start to heal immediately.

All the things that promise quick fixes, such as medications, surgeries and the like help calm symptoms temporarily but they always return.

Instead, you must choose to become the person you need to be to heal- your true self. She is already within you, you just need to begin to do the work to peel away your masks and reveal her. She is yearning to come out and play. She has been whispering to you for years however, you have not been listening to her. You were always ignoring her signs and distracting yourself with stuff outside of you. This stops now! It’s time to shift your level of consciousness and have a huge paradigm shift.

It’s time to stop looking outside of you for someone or something to “fix” you, and turn inward instead! To begin to get to know you, all parts of you again. To radically embody you. To remember how to feel all the sensations within you. To revel in the whole continuum of emotions that are always guiding you. To notice your intuition, instincts and impulses that area always guiding you in your correct direction. To decode your inner language. To befriend your inner guidance system.

I promise you that everything will change for you when you decide and choose to begin to tune into you, radically trust the guidance coming from within & take ongoing inspired actions following the guidance like your life depends on it.


Moving through the moments of your life fully connected to YOU - easily feeling, sensing, intuiting, knowing the sensations and wisdom in your body that are always guiding you. Radically trusting this wisdom and guidance with no second guessing. And taking action on the guidance as if your life depends on it- because you know it does! Putting ALL of you into the moments of your life because you know you are exactly where you are supposed to be, being your radical true self and doing YOU!

Choices and decisions in life are easy because you know you so much better- you have resolved, healed and integrated the effects of your traumas and conditioning, your inner children and shadows and have reparented yourself allowing your nervous system to be regulated and optimally function.

You continue to uncover your truths moment by moment and until the day you transition. You revel in the beauty of life, Mother Nature, authentic connection, co-creation of your gifts. You feel radically supported by your spirit guides, angels, the Universe and the Divine.

You are a totally different person. That old persona that you created to survive your childhood and the modern systems and norms is gone. You have learned how to grieve her and love her- but she is no longer you. Your true self is here to play and continue to evolve & thrive!

Your imagination is one of your superpowers. Your brain and body don’t know the difference between something you imagine or something you actually experience in reality. When I started to use visualization in a meditative state daily, I took a huge jump forward in my healing. I still use it every single day!!! HLD uses the power of visualization in a meditative state to help you fasttrack your healing and create a life you love now!

The healing journey, which is the life journey, is a beautiful gift where we get to let go of everything that does not serve our highest good. It’s hitting the reset button! It’s the biggest decluttering of your life- inside & outside! It’s choosing to say yes to being ALIVE in this life! It’s melting into every moment and immersing yourself in your senses, feeling it all, receiving your guidance & knowing you are fully supported by your healing team. It’s choosing you and choosing to fulfill your purposes here on this earth at this time. It’s reigniting reverence for life and all its magic, miracles and meaningful moments.

Your symptoms, pains, dis-eases are the only evidence you need to know that something is off in your life. It’s a sign that you need to pause, connect within and get curious to uncover what that is. Only you can do that!


Moving through the moments of your life fully connected to YOU - easily feeling, sensing, intuiting, knowing the sensations and wisdom in your body that are always guiding you. Radically trusting this wisdom and guidance with no second guessing. And taking action on the guidance as if your life depends on it- because you know it does! Putting ALL of you into the moments of your life because you know you are exactly where you are supposed to be, being your radical true self and doing YOU!

Choices and decisions in life are easy because you know you so much better- you have resolved, healed and integrated the effects of your traumas and conditioning, your inner children and shadows and have reparented yourself allowing your nervous system to be regulated and optimally function.

You continue to uncover your truths moment by moment and until the day you transition. You revel in the beauty of life, Mother Nature, authentic connection, co-creation of your gifts. You feel radically supported by your spirit guides, angels, the Universe and the Divine.

You are a totally different person. That old persona that you created to survive your childhood and the modern systems and norms is gone. You have learned how to grieve her and love her- but she is no longer you. Your true self is here to play and continue to evolve & thrive!

Your imagination is one of your superpowers. Your brain and body don’t know the difference between something you imagine or something you actually experience in reality. When I started to use visualization in a meditative state daily, I took a huge jump forward in my healing. I still use it every single day!!! HLD uses the power of visualization in a meditative state to help you fasttrack your healing and create a life you love now!

The healing journey, which is the life journey, is a beautiful gift where we get to let go of everything that does not serve our highest good. It’s hitting the reset button! It’s the biggest decluttering of your life- inside & outside! It’s choosing to say yes to being ALIVE in this life! It’s melting into every moment and immersing yourself in your senses, feeling it all, receiving your guidance & knowing you are fully supported by your healing team. It’s choosing you and choosing to fulfill your purposes here on this earth at this time. It’s reigniting reverence for life and all its magic, miracles and meaningful moments.

Your symptoms, pains, dis-eases are the only evidence you need to know that something is off in your life. It’s a sign that you need to pause, connect within and get curious to uncover what that is. Only you can do that!

“To have a safe space to talk about an often taboo subject, such as pelvic pain, with compassionate women who understand, has been a comforting game-changer for me. We let the vulnerability flow because we truly get the struggles and messy feelings that come with experiencing chronic, life-altering pelvic pain. I’m grateful to have found this program when I did.”

~ Kate

“To have a safe space to talk about an often taboo subject, such as pelvic pain, with compassionate women who understand, has been a comforting game-changer for me. We let the vulnerability flow because we truly get the struggles and messy feelings that come with experiencing chronic, life-altering pelvic pain. I’m grateful to have found this program when I did.”

~ Kate

HLD is the pathway to Self reclamation

Reclaiming your true self, your innate well-being & co-creating the life you are meant to create and live.

HLD is a philosophy, way of being and lifestyle that puts you living your truths in the moments of your life as your number one intention & priority. Honesty, I believe this is the only way to heal at the root cause in this crazy chaotic backwards modern world.

HLD teaches you the skills you need to master, to tune inward and become fascinated with and radically aware of your inner world so that you can remember your true self and get back on your correct path in this life.

HLD is the pathway from the conditioned dis-eased persona you subconsciously created to survive your childhood and life in the modern world to the radiant healthy vibrant fully conscious woman creating her gifts, living in radical alignment with her heart and soul and being of service in the world.

Most of us don’t choose to embark on a journey of reclamation until life throws us a curve ball with a BIG adversity, dis-ease, diagnosis, divorce, death of a loved one, big trauma etc etc.

That was my case, where my debilitating pelvic pain “forced” me to finally surrender to the unknown, to something greater than me. I had tried everything I knew at my current level of consciousness to try and I only got worse! I was lost, alone and my core identity was gone!

When I finally surrendered, when I realized there was a power greater than me guiding me on my healing, I was guided step by step via sensations in my body, knowings, intuitive hits, signs, synchronicities and more on a path of gradually remembering my truths- my true self.

Almost immediately I let go of the perception that healing meant “getting rid of my symptoms” so that I could return to my old life and instead, began to shift my perception to the idea that healing meant becoming whole- becoming the person I was meant to be in this life, becoming my true self. That my symptoms were my greatest gift that led me to choose a path of awakening.

Right then and there, with that shift in my perception I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and in my whole being. In that moment I know now that a floodgate of healing inner biochemistry was released in my body, my nervous system was able to calm into a more regulated state as for the first time in a long time I cultivated a sense of safety within me, my soul and healing team knew I was listening and that i was finally ready to accept my mission in this life!

As Marianne Williamson and The Course in Miracles reminds us, “A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love- from a belief in what is not real, to faith in that which is. That shift in perception changes everything.”

As I lived more in alignment with my truths, my pain, symptoms & disharmonies fell away. I was a totally different person with new beliefs, moment to moment thoughts, emotions, inner biochemistry, nervous system state and more. The more I made choices in alignment with my truths the more I could experience the continuum of experiences and sensations life has to offer- the more I could “safely come ALIVE”.

HLD is the pathway to Self reclamation

Reclaiming your true self, your innate well-being & co-creating the life you are meant to create and live.

HLD is a philosophy, way of being and lifestyle that puts you living your truths in the moments of your life as your number one intention & priority. Honesty, I believe this is the only way to heal at the root cause in this crazy chaotic backwards modern world.

HLD teaches you the skills you need to master, to tune inward and become fascinated with and radically aware of your inner world so that you can remember your true self and get back on your correct path in this life.

HLD is the pathway from the conditioned dis-eased persona you subconsciously created to survive your childhood and life in the modern world to the radiant healthy vibrant fully conscious woman creating her gifts, living in radical alignment with her heart and soul and being of service in the world.

Most of us don’t choose to embark on a journey of reclamation until life throws us a curveball with a BIG adversity, dis-ease, diagnosis, divorce, death of a loved one, big trauma etc etc.

That was my case, where my debilitating pelvic pain “forced” me to finally surrender to the unknown, to something greater than me. I had tried everything I knew at my current level of consciousness to try and I only got worse! I was lost, alone and my core identity was gone!

When I finally surrendered, when I realized there was a power greater than me guiding me on my healing, I was guided step by step via sensations in my body, knowings, intuitive hits, signs, synchronicities and more on a path of gradually remembering my truths- my true self.

Almost immediately I let go of the perception that healing meant “getting rid of my symptoms” so that I could return to my old life and instead, began to shift my perception to the idea that healing meant becoming whole- becoming the person I was meant to be in this life, becoming my true self. That my symptoms were my greatest gift that led me to choose a path of awakening.

Right then and there, with that shift in my perception I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and in my whole being. In that moment I know now that a floodgate of healing inner biochemistry was released in my body, my nervous system was able to calm into a more regulated state as for the first time in a long time I cultivated a sense of safety within me, my soul and healing team knew I was listening and that i was finally ready to accept my mission in this life!

As Marianne Williamson and The Course in Miracles reminds us, “A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love- from a belief in what is not real, to faith in that which is. That shift in perception changes everything.”

As I lived more in alignment with my truths, my pain, symptoms & disharmonies fell away. I was a totally different person with new beliefs, moment to moment thoughts, emotions, inner biochemistry, nervous system state and more. The more I made choices in alignment with my truths the more I could experience the continuum of experiences and sensations life has to offer- the more I could “safely come ALIVE”.

The Guiding Principles of Healing Lifestyle Design

The journey to unleash our truths is why we are here on this earth at this time. It is the healing journey and the life journey. Our greatest gift to give ourselves and others is radically being our true self in the moments of our lives! It is truly the only thing that matters. Not living in alignment with our truths causes dis-ease and living in alignment with our truths allows our innate well-being to shine!

We must live in sync with the natural rhythms and cycles of nature. We are nature. We have the same elements within us and outside of us in nature.

Healing is not linear- it is a spiraling flowing dance- a magical miraculous spiraling flowing dance where one aspect of healing is weaved into the next in a dynamic process.

Regulating the nervous system is a foundational intention in all our healing work. This includes doing the deep inner work that helps us reprogram our subconscious from childhood conditioning, the effects of trauma and modern day stressors. Living our truths helps us regulate the nervous system AND learning how to regulate our nervous system and living life via a regulated nervous system helps us live our radical truths in the moments of our lives. We approach nervous system regulation from a top down and bottom up approach.

There is a power greater than us helping us to heal. Plus, we have a whole healing team guiding us step by step on our journey that includes our spirit guides, angels, ancestors and more!

Our dis-ease is not our fault, however, it is our responsibility to choose to embark on the journey to heal ourselves. Only we can heal ourselves. Only we can decode our inner guidance to know what inspired actions we need to take from moment to moment.

The radical present moment is where the magic happens. By cultivating radical awareness in the present moment we open to receive guidance, can question our automatic responses and emotions and instead begin to consciously make choices that align with our truths. It is in the moments of our daily lives that we are given opportunities to heal- they often are revealed to us a “triggers”, but they are our call to get curious and uncover how to heal ourselves. This is why life is our playground and schoolhouse to learn our lessons and gradually peel away our masks to reveal our true self.

The expression of our divine feminine and divine masculine are a foundational intention in all of our healing. Each of us need both working together harmoniously to heal and thrive! For humans with wombs we have a magical journey of womb awakening and allowing your divine feminine energies to flow!!!

Always leave space for miracles to happen! Believe in unlimited possibilities.


Your solution to get you from where you are now to the empowered vital human that is already within you and yearning to come out and play.

The Healing Lifestyle Design Immersion

It’s time for you to heal & thrive!

12 weeks to immerse yourself in the skills and practices you need to unleash your true self. When you live as your radical true self in the moments of your life, you naturally heal and thrive.

HLD puts it all together in one healing lifestyle!

Healing is our natural way of being. Healing, becoming whole, is actually very simple when we choose to remember our truths. To tune into our truths we need to turn inward! We need to get radically curious about our inner world.

We need to become obsessed with ourselves- our true selves. We need to remember how to feel the sensations in our body, how to sense and feel our intuitions, impulses and instincts. To sense and feel the whole continuum of emotions that are guiding us. To pay attention to our imaginings, daydreams and dreams. It is all guidance for us.

We need to remember how to radically trust our inner wisdom and guidance above all else. No questions asked- just trust!

We need to remember and learn our unique language so that we can decode it and take inspired action on it.

It is a lifestyle. It’s not something you DO to heal and then return to your old ways of being. Healing Lifestyle Designs helps you become the person you need to be to heal, your true self, so that you can continue to evolve and heal until the day you transition.

HLD gives you the foundational skills you need to remember your true self and continue to peel away the layers until the day you transition.

I didn’t set out to create a healing platform. I was forced to figure it out myself

I knew deep inside my bones there was a way out- a way to allow my innate well-being to shine again. I just did not know logically how to do that yet. But I kept following the signs. I kept taking my best next step. That is all we can do when we are on a healing journey. Our IGS Inner Guidance System, spirit guides, angels, ancestors are always guiding us on the next best step.

It can be challenging to take in new knowledge from outside of you when you are experiencing brain fog and living in an upregulated nervous system, literally in survival mode. Remember, this while you are on this journey.

Language is a modern construct. True healing comes from within and comes from sensing, feeling, images, noticing impulses, intuitive hits, knowings. You can heal whether you take in all the “knowledge” in the world or not. That said, we are modern humans who have been taught to value knowledge that comes outside of ourselves. So understanding what is happening within us can be helpful. But it is not necessary. It’s more important to feel it, trust all your inner wisdom, signs and impulses and follow them like your life depends on it.

I will share with you all the science and knowledge from outside of you and I want you to use that to spark your inner wisdom. Again, because we are modern day humans that have been taught to value knowledge and logic and can be helpful for us to receive this knowledge and then for us to notice and sense and feel what that sparks within. It’s all about blending the science with the metaphysical.

Indigenous cultures, medicine women, ancient practitioners of chinese medicine and ayurveda did not need knowledge outside of themselves to sense how to heal themselves and others. Their inner superpowers were still alive within them that they just knew, sensed, intuited it all.

So we need to awaken our inner superpowers to receive all the wisdom within us plus, open to sparking that awakening by getting curious about knowledge around healing that can spark our inner medicine woman within us.

I’m not fully awakening or my perfect true self. But I am radically committed to intending to evolve, alchemize wisdom and share until the day I transition. We don’t need to be our perfect true self to release our pain and symptoms. Our disharmonies fall away as we continue to peel away our false personas and reveal our truths.

There is an urgency for you to do this. We chose to come to earth at this time for a reason. I sense we are meant to be in this messy underworld time of humans on earth to help heal ourselves, the earth and the world.

I created this platform because it’s part of my heart and soul’s unique gifts to create and give to the world! I literally can’t NOT DO this work! It just comes through me.

To live our truths we must occasionally choose to go into the underworld and do the deep inner work so that we can rise back up as more of our true self. The so-called “inner work” was just a natural awareness of indigenous cultures and ancient healing traditions. It is only in the modern world that we have been conditioned to ignore and demonize the wisdom that comes from the so-called low level emotions, going into darker places, getting super real and honest with ourselves and those around us.

Part of our divine feminine energies requires time each month and each year in this underworld so that we can rise again and shine our light even brighter. We don’t stay stuck in the underworld but we need to remember or relearn how to do the inner work while feeling safe, held and supported and move through it with more ease and grace. We always choose to rise back up and shine our light.

HLD guides you to cultivate safety and curiosity while ……

  • Becoming aware of and healing the effects of our traumas.
  • Tending to our inner children.
  • Becoming aware of our shadows and all parts of ourselves and integrating them.
  • Reparenting ourselves.
  • Re-associating and reconnecting with our physical body including all of its sensations.
  • Regulating our nervous system via top down and bottom up approaches.
  • Transforming limiting beliefs.
  • Cultivating heart coherence.
  • Living in alignment with our soul’s needs, desires and purposes.
  • Learning how to feel and process emotions while receiving their guidance
  • And more.

Reclaiming ourSelves & healing (becoming whole) is a spiraling flowing dance- it is not a linear process.

Once you surrender and say yes to your journey of reclamation, it is helpful to choose to embark on the journey with a radically curious mind, like a child’s mind. To be light-hearted and curious as you move through the moments of your life. To let go of taking it all so seriously and allow a playfulness. To allow your imagination to flourish and take note of what you imagine and what your dreams tell you. It is helpful to believe in miracles and even magic and that anything is possible. You must let go of attachment to outcomes and cultivate radical gratitude for exactly where you are at in this moment. You must become obsessed with learning about and tending to your inner world. You must become obsessed with cultivating a life you love right now- finding your true self joys, laughter, authentic connection and more!!!

Be like a detective gathering clues to uncover your missing true self- no judgment, just gathering clues and being curious!

Do you see and sense how HLD is like no other “program”?

This is an immersive experience that teaches you the skills and practices and ways of being that we never learned as children from our true self awakened elders. It is the experience I wish I had when I was in the midst of my healing journey. I would have realized I was not alone, that it was not my fault and that I absolutely had the power to heal mySelf and create a life I loved! I just had to remember, or relearn the skills to do it! I had to become my true self so that I could BE me and DO me in this life!

Healing is a lifestyle that continues till the day we transition

In HLD our intention is to be radically aware in our present moments, always receiving inner guidance and also open to receive knowledge outside of ourselves. We are always integrating this new wisdom and knowledge via our healing daily rituals into our being allowing us to peel away more of the conditioned version of ourselves to reveal our true self- who is always within us.

Inner Wisdom & Knowledge


Experimentation & Integration via Healing Daily Rituals


Unveiling & Radically Being Your True Self in the Moments of Your Life Which Leads to Healing & Thriving!

Inner Wisdom & Knowledge


Experimentation & Integration via Healing Daily Rituals


Unveiling & Radically Being Your True Self in the Moments of Your Life Which Leads to Healing & Thriving!

Your result is freedom, expansion, continuous questioning, vitality, love, laughter, meaningful moments, spontaneity, authentic connection, gratitude, creativity, abundance- fully coming alive!!!! It’s time for you to wake up and come ALIVE!

HLD is dynamic and alive as I’m always listening to feedback, uncovering the latest “real” science, traveling the world for sacred indigenous practices and listening to my inner wisdom. I am always willing to shift and change content and create new content.

HLD connects you with people around the world that have the same core values- radically living our truths in the moments of our lives!

Inner Wisdom & Knowledge


Experimentation & Integration via Healing Daily Rituals


Unveiling & Radically Being Your True Self in the Moments of Your Life Which Leads to Healing & Thriving!

Pillars of Healing

HLD addresses literally every aspect of our lives because we need to be living our truths in all areas so that we can heal. It’s impossible to list everything out but this gives you a sense of all that HLD emcompases- it is truly all of life.

HLD helps you cultivate a lifestyle where from morning to night you are weaving one true self healing daily ritual into the next. HLD guides you to:

  • Get quiet with you so you can tune into your inner world and receive your inner guidance.
  • Reconnect with your body so you can feel how you desire to feel.
  • Sense, feel and connect with all parts of you so you can integrate and harmonize all parts of yourself.
  • Be radically aware in the present moment so you can revel in the experience of all your senses.
  • Uncover your inner wisdom and guidance, trust it above all else and take action on it like your life depends on it so that you can get the results you desire in your life.
  • Transform your limiting conditioned beliefs into your true self beliefs that allow you to make choices in life that result in you shining and thriving!
  • Believe that the moments of your life are your playground to play and experiment with so that you can not only experience the moment but continue to uncover and live your truths.
  • Revel in the “small” moments so you can experience all this life has to offer.
  • Allow your creativity to flourish so that your divine essence can express itself and you can create and give your unique gifts to the world!

Pillars of Healing

HLD addresses literally every aspect of our lives because we need to be living our truths in all areas so that we can heal. It’s impossible to list everything out but this gives you a sense of all that HLD emcompases- it is truly all of life.

HLD helps you cultivate a lifestyle where from morning to night you are weaving one true self healing daily ritual into the next. HLD guides you to:

  • Get quiet with you so you can tune into your inner world and receive your inner guidance.
  • Reconnect with your body so you can feel how you desire to feel.
  • Sense, feel and connect with all parts of you so you can integrate and harmonize all parts of yourself.
  • Be radically aware in the present moment so you can revel in the experience of all your senses.
  • Uncover your inner wisdom and guidance, trust it above all else and take action on it like your life depends on it so that you can get the results you desire in your life.
  • Transform your limiting conditioned beliefs into your true self beliefs that allow you to make choices in life that result in you shining and thriving!
  • Believe that the moments of your life are your playground to play and experiment with so that you can not only experience the moment but continue to uncover and live your truths.
  • Revel in the “small” moments so you can experience all this life has to offer.
  • Allow your creativity to flourish so that your divine essence can express itself and you can create and give your unique gifts to the world!

The Healing Lifestyle Design Immersion

It’s time for you to heal & thrive!

12 weeks to immerse yourself in the skills and practices you need to unleash your true self. When you live as your radical true self in the moments of your life, you naturally heal and thrive.

What's Included?

  • Access to the welcome module as soon as you register so that you can dive into that content immediately!
  • Access to our weekly one hour zoom session where we go deeper into the content in each module. Mondays at 10am PST
  • Access to our weekly Q & A where you get all your questions answered. Thursdays at 10am PST
  • Access to our private facebook group where you can share your journey, ask questions, connect with other members and more.
  • In the facebook group I recommend and will encourage you to discover one or more accountability partners that you can connect with on a more personal basis. Maybe there is someone who lives in your area that you can meet up with for in-person experiences.
  • Access to the entire curriculum including new updates for the life of the program. HLD is a dynamic, always shifting program as I listen to feedback, make updates as new “real” science comes out, or as I uncover new rituals or practices that I feel will benefit you on a foundational level.
  • Access to FREE continued group support and the Healing Lifestyle Design Membership for one month after the immersion ends. After the 4th month you have the opportunity for continued group support plus access to the membership for $197 a month.

BEcome a founding member and join our Beta Program beginning September 19th, 2022!

Take advantage of these limited time bonuses for BETA enrollees!

Exclusive Benefits for BETA Students Include:

  • Heavily Discounted Pricing! Save $500!!!
  • More access and support to Kelly as this round is limited to only 30 students!
  • Free follow up 1:1 session after the immersion program.

Choose Your Payment Structure

3 Monthly Payments of $533 USD

Exclusive BETA Pricing $425 USD/Mth

1 Payment of $1497 USD

Exclusive BETA Pricing Only $999 USD

A look inside the program



You will receive this module as soon as you register so that you can get started preparing your mind for the journey of transformation you are embarking on. This will also allow you to begin to regulate your nervous system so that you can be more present in the moments of the immersion.


In this module you will learn what “true self” healing daily rituals are and be introduced to a few that you will integrate into your daily life. You will build on this foundation throughout the Immersion in each of the upcoming modules. This module allows you to begin to cultivate a lifestyle that heals you so you can begin feeling the effects immediately.


In this module you will begin to befriend your body again, remember how to feel and sense her & decode her guidance to you. You will learn how the body keeps the score from traumas and stress plus, how to begin to free your body via expansion, breath work, movements and more.

Connecting to your Mind & Transforming Your Beliefs

In this modules you will become aware of your subconscious and conscious beliefs that determine your life choices up until this point and begin to transform them. You will begin to reprogram your subconscious beliefs in alignment with your truths.

Connecting to Your Heart & Soul

In this module you will begin to reconnect to your heart and soul. Every indigenous culture knew that that to heal dis-ease you always need to tend to the heart and soul first! You will begin to uncover your true self heart and soul needs and desires and what specific inspired actions you need to take..

Connecting to Your Future Healed Self

In this module you will begin to connect with your future healed self. She is already within you. You just need to connect with her. You will learn how to use visualization in a meditative state to begin to reprogram and heal your mind and body before it actually happens in your current reality.

Connecting to Your Divine Feminine & Pelvic Bowl

In this module you will begin to awaken your womb and connect with your divine feminine energies. You will begin to harmonize your divine feminine and divine masculine energies. You will also learn how to connect with your pelvic bowl with specific therapeutic touch exercises..

Connecting to Food As Your Medicine

In this module you will remember the sacred art and science of nourishing yourself. Sourcing our food, preparing our food in joy and love, mindfully eating our food, having radical gratitude for our food while we eat..... it is all a sacred ritual that is essential to harmonizing our cells and all parts of us. Plus, drinking real clean mineralized water, avoiding toxins and more! We literally become what we ingest! .

Connecting to Your Emotions

In this module you will remember how to feel the sensations within you that are your energies in motion- emotion. You will remember that each emotion is guiding you. You will learn how to allow your emotions to move through you and how to receive their guidance!

Connecting to Mother Nature & Your Natural Rhythms

In this module you will remember that you are nature. You have the same elements within you are outside of you in nature. Nature heals us! It is essential to sync with nature's natural rhythms including our sleep cycle, light exposure, rest and relaxation, waking with the sun and going to bed as sun fades. and more.

Cultivating Safety & Nervous system regulation

In this module we will refine our nervous system regulation. We will dive deeper into cultivating safety in all areas of our lives. We will release fear and live with love.

Body Expansion 2

In this module we will continue to cultivate expansion in the body going deeper with breathwork, movement, dance, sound and more.

The Healing Lifestyle Design Immersion

It’s time for you to heal & thrive!

12 weeks to immerse yourself in the skills and practices you need to unleash your true self. When you live as your radical true self in the moments of your life, you naturally heal and thrive.

What's Included?

  • Access to the welcome module as soon as you register so that you can dive into that content immediately!
  • Access to our weekly one hour zoom session where we go deeper into the content in each module. Mondays at 10am PST
  • Access to our weekly Q & A where you get all your questions answered. Thursdays at 10am PST
  • Access to our private facebook group where you can share your journey, ask questions, connect with other members and more.
  • In the facebook group I recommend and will encourage you to discover one or more accountability partners that you can connect with on a more personal basis. Maybe there is someone who lives in your area that you can meet up with for in-person experiences.
  • Access to the entire curriculum including new updates for the life of the program. HLD is a dynamic, always shifting program as I listen to feedback, make updates as new “real” science comes out, or as I uncover new rituals or practices that I feel will benefit you on a foundational level.
  • Access to FREE continued group support and the Healing Lifestyle Design Membership for one month after the immersion ends. After the 4th month you have the opportunity for continued group support plus access to the membership for $197 a month.

BEcome a founding member and join our Beta Program beginning September 19th, 2022!

Take advantage of these limited time bonuses for BETA enrollees!

Exclusive Benefits for BETA Students Include:

  • Heavily Discounted Pricing! Save $500!!!
  • More access and support to Kelly as this round is limited to only 30 students!
  • Free follow up 1:1 session after the immersion program.

Choose Your Payment Structure

3 Monthly Payments of $533 USD

Exclusive BETA Pricing $425 USD/Mth

1 Payment of $1497 USD

Exclusive BETA Pricing Only $999 USD

your faq's

This seems super intense and time consuming. I don’t think I have time for this.

We all have the same amount of time in a day. You have the power in every moment to BE a new person and make new choices. If you don’t start taking action now to choose differently, you will just keep getting the same old results. Start the process of transforming your lifestyle now!!! Really- you got this!!

What if I don’t like meditating? Can I still get the results?

Meditation is just getting quiet with you. You can get quiet with yourself walking in nature, doing the dishes, driving in the car. Ideally, all of your life will become a meditation in which you are radically aware and in touch with yourSelf in all moments.

This is why with every practice, strategy and ritual I share with you, you have the power to tune into your heart and soul and make it your own!!! There is never one type of practice that works for everyone.

The Healing Lifestyle Design Immersion

It’s time for you to heal & thrive!

12 weeks to immerse yourself in the skills and practices you need to unleash your true self. When you live as your radical true self in the moments of your life, you naturally heal and thrive.

What's Included?

  • Access to the welcome module as soon as you register so that you can dive into that content immediately!
  • Access to our weekly one hour zoom session where we go deeper into the content in each module. Mondays at 10am PST
  • Access to our weekly Q & A where you get all your questions answered. Thursdays at 10am PST
  • Access to our private facebook group where you can share your journey, ask questions, connect with other members and more.
  • In the facebook group I recommend and will encourage you to discover one or more accountability partners that you can connect with on a more personal basis. Maybe there is someone who lives in your area that you can meet up with for in-person experiences.
  • Access to the entire curriculum including new updates for the life of the program. HLD is a dynamic, always shifting program as I listen to feedback, make updates as new “real” science comes out, or as I uncover new rituals or practices that I feel will benefit you on a foundational level.
  • Access to FREE continued group support and the Healing Lifestyle Design Membership for one month after the immersion ends. After the 4th month you have the opportunity for continued group support plus access to the membership for $197 a month.

Enrollment currently Closed. Get on the waitlist to be notified when enrollment opens. Thanks!

© Kelly Bradley ・All Rights Reserved・Terms & Conditions・Privacy・Site by Christa Potter